Mad Max Villains


You see!  There is no escape!  The Humungus Rules the Wasteland!

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Chapter Four



(Words & Music by: Halford, Tipton & Downing)


Catch the play now, eye to eye
Don't let chances pass you by
Always someone at your back
Biding their time for attack

Check for decoys, stay sharp edged
Double-crossers get your head
Carpet-baggers bluff and strike
Kiss of Judas, spider like


Tricksters, jilters play their game
Sleight-of-handers, all the same
Masquerader in his lair
Wants to tangle in your hair



All three carefully watched the guards. They were outside, seated on the familiar cement block while the other prisoners played.


"I can always fuck him," Iason mocked, gazing at the one rookie guard. "He's always looking at my ass."


Alexander shook his head. "Enough. You know only I fuck your ass."


Iason giggled. He'd only been teasing. Plus, he wasn't worried. He knew the big guy would find a way to bust 'em out. However, he didn't think all three of them would be able to get away. Someone would have to be sacrificed, left behind. He puffed on the filter, sucking back the smoke, carefully eyeing Roger.


Roger motioned at Alexander to walk with him, so the big guy and the brunette rose off the seat and headed toward the electrical fence.


"What's up?" Alexander asked, turning to look at his right-hand.


"You ever find out why he's in here?" Roger muttered, motioning with his eyes to where Iason sat.


"No," Alexander gruffly replied. "He not tell me."


"I owed no goddamn loyalty to The Stud," Roger began in his low voice. "He not show any of us loyalty. Only took care of himself and his bitch. Is why I help you shake him down. I know you won't fuck me over, Alex. I know if push come to shove, you man of your word.


"Word is all we have," he continued on. "You have my word I won't ever fuck you over. Will always do what you ask. Just want in return the same loyalty."


"You have it," Alexander gruffly said. Then he glanced to his boyfriend. "Why he in here?"


"Set up his lover to be killed, from what I hear," Roger replied. "Is not very clear, is just rumor, but he come here six months before you did. The Stud grabbed him right away. And he not think nothing of setting up The Stud so we'd kill him. Just like he turned and set up his lover's death."


"So he never kill?" Alexander asked.


"He's killed," Roger muttered. "Can see it in his eyes. I not know what go wrong when he shake down his rich lover. Heard he live in Menadosa with the rich dude. Some say he hooking since he was eight."


"So why you tell me this?" Alexander softly growled.


"Just watch him," Roger replied. "I know he your bitch. But watch him."


Alexander turned and gazed at his boyfriend. He recalled his first impression of the bitch: a slut taking good care of himself and only himself. Now he thought about when he spent his first month in solitary. Okay, they hadn't been lovers yet, and once he fucked the bitch, the blond minx never pulled a deceitful stunt like that again. He did understand what Roger was quietly driving at, silently telling him to not trust the hellcat.




They were in bed. Alexander gently massaged the minx's back, savoring the feel of the soft skin under his fingers. Again, Roger's words from this afternoon ran through his mind. His right-hand point blank told him Iason could not be trusted. And this angered him. For some strange reason, he wanted the bitch's loyalty above anyone else's. Yet, would the sassy blond give it to him?


"Tell me why," Alexander growled. "Or I'll leave you in here when I split."


Iason sighed. "Why the hell do you care?"


"Don't question, just tell me why," he warned the minx.


So Iason reached over and grabbed his cigarettes off the floor. He placed the filter between his lush lips, striking the match against the sulfur as he puffed heavily. Slowly, he inhaled the nicotine, expelling the smoke between his nostrils and mouth.


"He wouldn't let me leave. He knew what I did and blackmailed me into putting up with his shit. So I asked a buddy to snuff out the jerk when he was leaving a lunch meeting. I stole his other car, loaded all his shit that was worth money and split. It was no big deal," he softly said. "I hocked the stuff and was on my way to Jesper City when the MFP pulled me over.


"I made one mistake," Iason huskily laughed. "I should have paid my buddy the cash I promised him. Guess he wasn't happy with the down payment. So when the cops busted his ass, he told 'em what I did."


Alexander frowned. So not only did the minx turn on his lover, the bitch also deceived the buddy. The greed won out and the sassy blond walked away with all the cash, leaving behind a dead boyfriend and a friend stuck with the murder rap.


"Why not pay your friend the money?" Alexander asked.


Iason snorted. "He wasn't my friend, just a bud, nothing more. I don't have friends. Never have and never will."


Alexander gathered his fingers into the long, silken, blond hair and he tugged hard on the strands. He heard the minx's sharp intake of breath. "You fuck me over, I find you. Will spend my entire life finding you and when I do, will torture you to a slow death, a death that will take good week."


"Yeah, okay, whatever," Iason snorted.


His eyes blazed and he grabbed the minx by the shoulders, roughly turning the bitch so the slut faced him. "I mean every word I say, bitch. Sluts like you easy to come by. Not think you are special. You're not. I will find someone else to lay under me if I have to kill you."


"Ya, you made yourself clear," Iason hissed through narrowed eyes. "And I said whatever. So don't expect to scare me with your threats. I know for a fucking fact what you would do to me if I ever fucked you over. You'd kill your own goddamn mother."


The minx's answer made Alexander's blood pump with an insurmountable rage. He raised hand and backhanded the sassy blond across the face.


Iason cocked his brow. "Keep hitting me, Alex. Personally, do I look like I give a shit? Beat on me some more. I don't give two flying fucks if you beat me so hard I can't get up and walk. Don't think you're the first man to ever cuff me around. Many have. But sooner or later, I manage to get up off the floor.


"I know my weaknesses and I know my strengths," he hissed. "So if smacking me around is what does it for you, so be it. But don't think for a second I'm gonna cower and have you order me around like a goddamn slave.


"All we got is one life, baby," he spat out. "And I intend on living until someone kills me. It's me or them and I'll always choose me."


"Just you," Alexander growled. "Then I leave you in here. Get the fuck outta my bed. You're finished. Find someone else to watch your back so the others won't rape your hole."


Iason's eyes narrowed. "Fine," he coolly replied. "Get yourself a yes boy since that's all you can handle, big guy!"


He wrenched himself free from Alexander's tight grip and turned, swiping his coverall off the floor. He rose off the bed and began drawing the garment around his legs. "I don't need you to get the fuck outta here," he hissed.


Then he swiped his cigarettes off the floor and drew his arms through the sleeves of the coverall. His hand reached for the zipper as he turned on his heel to leave.


"And will be me who first beats on you and rapes your ass," Alexander growled. "Then Roger, and then the rest of my men. When we finished with you, will spend rest of your time in hospital ward since nothing will be left of your ass."


"Fuck you," Iason spat out over his shoulder as he left the cell.




Alexander wasn't surprised when he saw the minx chatting up the rookie guard. Iason's sultry laughter drifted over the concrete recreation area. He knew what the bitch was up to. The slut was going to fuck that guard, get the rest of those imbeciles on his side and most likely kill the rookie in mid-sex, and then make his escape.


Already word was making its way around the cell block, other prisoners whispering Iason was without protection. Alexander turned and watched three guys carefully eyeing the minx.


"Big Guy gave him the boot last night I heard," one guy whispered. "He's fare game. We'll hold him down and each take turns fucking him."


Alexander growled. God dammit! Why the fuck should he care the minx was going to be raped? He should be the first in line raping and beating that bitch. Yet, over and over those words the minx spat out whirled through his mind. His guess had been correct. Since day one the minx had probably been fucked and beaten by his father, stepfather or whatever man watched over him. And then the sassy blond spent the rest of his time fending off other perverts who wanted to violate his beauty. All the minx knew was rape.


The whips, how the minx demanded to be on top with all other lovers, most likely even fucking the jobs . . . Now he knew why the bitch loathed being fucked. Yet, the sassy blond allowed him the honor of fucking that tight hole. The devil child gladly spread those thighs for him, lacing the silken legs around his hips while moaning and groaning, begging for it harder.


The bell rang then, indicating they had to line up for inspection and then they'd be led back into the dormitory. Alexander rose off the concrete block and swaggered over to the line. The minx avoided making eye contact and chose to head for the back of the line.


The three guys motioned each other and they also headed for the back of the line.


"What's up, Iason?" the one guy asked.


"Beat it," the sassy blond replied.


"Oh, you talk so tough," the other guy taunted. "Let's see how tough you are now that the Big Guy is done with you."


"Whatever," Iason snorted.


The third guy chuckled and reached over, patting the minx's lethal ass.


Iason whipped around, his long hair moving with the momentum and he raised his leg, kicking the guy straight between the thighs.


The boy dropped to the ground, hollering in pain.


"Bitch," the other guy snarled. "You asked for it!"


"That's enough," the guard bellowed. "Both of you," he said, pointing his finger, "over there. I'll deal with you two later."


It took all of Alexander's self-control to remain in line. Yet, he wanted to march to the back, grab both those boys by the scruff of their collars and beat them. Never did he feel this kind of rage pounding through his soul. Nobody touched that bitch's ass but him. He couldn't stand it that every shithead would now violate the blond beauty, fucking what the minx had only gifted him with. And why was he satisfied the bitch didn't let him down, quickly coming to his own defense, using whatever means necessary to keep the predators at bay?


As everyone herded inside, all undergoing the inspection, Alexander stopped once the guard patted him down. He turned and watched Iason enter last. The blond cast the guard a smirk.


Then their eyes met. Alexander held the stare.


The minx looked away, seeming to draw on that inner hardness which guarded his soul.


The rookie patted down the sassy blond, his hands lingering and roaming more than necessary.


"I'm clean for fuck sakes," Iason hissed. "So get your fucking hands off me."


"Watch your mouth," the guard warned him. "Just doing my job, beautiful."


Iason rolled his eyes and sauntered away. Now he almost groaned when three other guys all deftly watched him. God, this was going to be a fight to keep those hungry animals away from his ass. Then he looked to Alexander. Like hell he'd be a slave boy.


Iason heard the footsteps. Then came the soft growl.


"Just asked for your word, bitch. Nothing more. Your word you never screw me over. Is pride so big you risk rape every night?"


Iason's eyes narrowed. "What the fuck do you give two shits about my loyalty for?" he hissed.


"Your word."


The minx again glanced at the boys. Now he realized four more guys all carefully watched him. Shit, already ten guys wanted a piece of his ass. At that moment, he loathed not being strong enough to protect himself. He wished for pure ugliness and insurmountable strength instead of beauty. He loathed being so slim, not the least bit intimidating, always relying on someone else's strength to keep him alive. When he had his whips, he never needed anyone to watch his back! God, he despised prison and being inside these walls!


"Fine," Iason spat out under his breath. "You have my goddamn word I won't ever screw you over."


Alexander gave a smug, growly laugh. "Get to my cell."


Iason turned on his heel and stomped away, doing as ordered.


Alexander cast the boys a warning look, letting them silently know the minx was under his protection once again. He headed for his cell. When he entered, the blond bitch was already undressed, sitting on the bed, puffing on a cigarette.


"Why this?" Alexander asked.


"You want a yes boy, don't you?" Iason snapped. "So here I am, saying yes for fuck sakes!"


"I not say I want a yes boy," Alexander growled. "I say I want loyalty and nothing more."


Iason ran his fingers through his long hair. For a moment, Alexander thought the minx would break. Is this what he wanted? Did he really want to be responsible for breaking this haughty bitch's hardened spirit? Part of Iason's beauty lay in that sassy mouth, the bold words, the bitchy attitude and his never give up philosophy. Even walking through hell, the bitch refused to succumb.


Alexander took a seat on the bed. "I get you out of here," he gruffly whispered.


Iason looked away. His lower lip quivered. Never was his mind such a mess. He didn't ask to feel this way. He never wanted to give a shit about anyone. God, he loathed how the big guy could get under his skin. The words, he couldn't handle those cold words Alexander flung at him last night. I mean every word I say, bitch. Sluts like you easy to come by. Not think you are special. You're not. I will find someone else to lay under me if I have to kill you. Why did that statement wound him? Why should he care he was but a mount to the big guy and nothing more, just another pretty face the animal could satisfy his lust with?


"Fuck me," Iason whispered.


Alexander turned, drawing the lithe body against his chest. He gave a low growl when he felt the minx yield to him, the lips so beseeching, begging for a kiss. He crushed the mouth with his own, his need great since he couldn't understand why he was so upset he almost lost the minx.


"Yes," Iason groaned as he hungrily returned the kisses, lowering the big guy's zipper while reaching for that stiff, hard erection. "You feel so good. Oh, Alex."


Damn, hearing his name on the vixen's lips always made him shudder.


It had only been last night when they had sex, but for some reason Alexander felt like it had been a lifetime when they last connected as one.




They all jogged with one guard bringing up the rear in the jeep and another leading in the other jeep. To the left and the right of the prisoners was the two fences.


Alexander continued to run beside Roger. He glanced back over his shoulder. The jeep had stopped and the guard looked to be arguing with Iason. Alexander shook his head. Lazy bitch. He knew Iason loathed their twice a week exercising


"I'm tired," Iason spat out.


"You just get moving," the rookie guard ordered.




"You want me to kick your ass to the hole?" the rookie asked.


Iason ignored him and took a seat in the jeep.


The guard smirked. "You know what this ride is gonna cost you, beautiful."


"Bitch, get moving," Alexander barked.


Iason made a face and he stepped from the jeep, sprinting toward his lover. Alexander grunted. He wished the bitch did like exercising. He rather liked how that silken, long, thick mane bounced and flowed with the movement of the minx. How alluring his lover looked, tossing back his hair while the lean muscles on the sinewy body flexed.


"Fuck, I totally hate this," Iason spat out, his breaths deep as he continued to run beside the big guy.


Alexander just gave a growly chuckle. He didn't mind the jogging. He needed something to expend his energy on after all. And he liked the grey sweatpants and shirt his lover wore. It sure beat that stupid orange coverall. That chilly coloring made those green eyes stand out, along with the soft, pink lips.


Roger glanced back over his shoulder. The guard still watched Iason. Never did he see someone so besotted. The guard looked to be only about twenty-five. And he knew why this pervert liked bringing up the rear: the bugger knew Iason was always the last one to finish exercising so the horny bastard would relax in the jeep, doing nothing but eating up the minx's body throughout the half-hour jog. And he couldn't blame the guard. If he wasn't so loyal to Alexander, he would have fucked Iason a long time ago.


Now Roger's eyes narrowed with interest. He had to speak with the big guy when they got back to the dormitory.




"He always watches the bitch," Roger softly growled under his breath. "No matter where he is, watch tower, main gate, outside, he always watch the bitch."


Alexander nodded his head, well aware how the rookie guard's tongue fell to the floor when he first started working at the prison upon seeing Iason for the first time.


"What you say?" he asked.


"We use the bitch to get out of here," Roger muttered. "Tell him to start fucking the guard. In time, stupid guard will get lax and we can tell the bitch what next move should be."


Alexander frowned. It was their only option. Cutting through the fence was impossible since one would receive and electrical shock upon touching the steel wiring. They needed keys. And if Iason finally gave that rookie what the horny bastard wanted, easily the minx could manipulate that stupid pussy. Yet, he could feel the anger pounding deep within his soul. He didn't like the thought of that horny guard mounting up his bitch. But dammit, some sacrifices had to be made if they wanted to get out of here.


"I order him to do it," Alexander finally said, nodding his head.


Just then they heard the footsteps. They both glanced up to see Iason leaning in the doorway, puffing on a cigarette.


Roger nodded his head and rose off the bunk bed. He lightly patted the minx on the back and left the cell.


Iason stepped inside. "So, what's up?" he asked.


"What you mean?" Alexander snarled.


"Sweetheart, I know I interrupted something," Iason mocked. "Gimme a break for fuck sakes. I wasn't born yesterday."


"Keep your voice down," Alexander warned him.


So Iason took a seat on the bed, curling up his slim body. "Well, what's the deal?" he whispered.


"We need the keys to get out of here," Alexander softly growled. "Only one person in Block D can get the keys."


Iason's eyes widened, yet he sought to control his emotions when he realized what his lover was alluding to. They wanted him to fuck the rookie. They wanted him to sell his body so these two ogres could get out of here, and he was their ace in the hole.


Quickly, Iason glanced away. He didn't know why his heart pounded. He didn't understand why a deep pain filled his chest. Sex and nothing more. So why should he care? Nothing would ever change about his life. Men would always use him for sex. And he thought nothing of manipulating those dick-driven imbeciles, getting whatever he wanted by using his body. So why was it so different this time? Why did he almost shake with anger and rage since his lover point blank ordered him to spread his legs for the guard? Alexander never let anyone touch him, but this time the big guy wanted him to drop his coveralls so the stupid neanderthal could get out of here. He was but a means of a escape to this bastard and nothing more.


He turned then, facing his using lover. "Okay," Iason replied. "Consider it done." He then rose off the bunk bed, snuffing out the cigarette with the heel of his shoe.


Alexander reached out and grabbed his hand. "I have no choice," he softly growled. "Is only way out of here. You know this."


"Please, don't act like you care," Iason icily stated. "You asked me to do something and I will." He turned on his heel and left the cell.


Alexander smacked his thigh in frustration. Why did he feel like he just let the minx down? And why should he give a shit he most likely wounded his fair-haired bitch? He gave a growl and reached over, slamming his fist against the cement wall in frustration.




The rookie gave a final grunt, his seeding buried deep inside the tight hole. Damn, this blond bitch was so darn hot. Listening to those hissy groans, the bold, sassy words, and feeling those hips gyrating underneath him quickly did his loins in. Fuck, he just mounted up and already he came.


"No worries," Iason purred as he gently brushed his lips against the stubble of the guard's face. "There's plenty more where that came from, sweetheart."


The rookie flashed him a grin. "I knew you'd let me fuck you," he smoothly stated.


"Baby, why would a guy choose a boy when he has a man available to fuck him," Iason cooed as he laced his arms around the broad shoulders. "I tell ya, there's a big difference between a teen-aged boy's body and a man's. Ooh, such muscles you got, sexy."


The guard snickered. "We'll finish this convo later. I gotta get back to my post. Stay awake cause I'm coming to your cell tonight."


"I'll be waiting in bed, undressed and rock hard," Iason sultrily purred. "And I'm gonna suck that big dick of yours. I wanna swallow your load, baby." Now he almost wanted to snort when he saw the hungry look filling the guard's eyes. Jesus Christ, men were all the same, dicks first, brains second.


The guard fastened his pants, nodding as he rose off the lithe body. "Two o'clock," he whispered. "Be ready."


"I sure will, handsome," Iason sassily replied. He blew the idiot a kiss.


The guard smiled, whistling as he walked away.


Iason breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he could stop the stupid charade. Jerk. Stupid men were nothing but idiots, even the big guy. He had enough. He rose off the floor, grabbing his coverall. He still had to wash out the cum filling his butt hole. Now he scowled when Alexander poked his head in the alcove.


"Do you mind?" he hissed. "I just got fucked for cripe sake and I'd like to get this idiot's cum outta my ass."


Alexander's jaw tightened. He didn't like that arrogant reply. The bitch would never know the fight he just had with himself, enraged because that guard was fucking his minx. Never would this blond slut know the hate he felt and how he had to punch the damn cement wall in his cell over and over while he thought about his lover's legs being spread by another man.


Iason donned the coverall, not bothering to zipper the garment since he intended on heading straight to the shower room to wash the guard's scent off of him. He ignored his lover and strode passed the big guy.


Alexander's arm snaked out, locking his fingers around the slim wrist. "I wash you," he grunted.


"Oh please," Iason snapped. "Spare me this ridiculous attempt at chivalry. This isn't the first time I had to take care of business and it won't be the last, ever." He gave a good tug and wrenched himself free. "So get off it and quit acting like you care."


Again, the fingers gripped the slim wrist.


This time Iason glanced down. He gazed at the blood covered knuckles of the big hand clamped around his wrist. "Who were you fighting with?" he asked.


"No one," Alexander grunted.


Now Iason snorted. "Geez, did it bother you that much? Get over it. He only fucked me."


Alexander snarled as he whipped around, pushing the minx harshly against the wall, his eyes boring down on the sassy blond. Iason squirmed, pressing himself deeper against the concrete since he never saw the big guy look this way before. God, he felt like Lucifer suddenly appeared. Shit, he wondered if Alexander planned on killing him, so enraged was the looking filling those dark eyes.


"Don't get fucking pissed," Iason hissed. "I was only doing what you told me to do."


"You think I like being left without a choice?" Alexander growled. "You think I like having these assholes tell me what to do? You think I like being in here? You think I like them fucking my bitch?"


Now came the war cry as he let go of the minx and once again he slammed his fist into the cement wall.


Iason's eyes widened in disbelief. "Alex," he shakily whispered. "Alex, please calm down," he begged. Hesitantly, he touched the broad shoulder and then flinched when he felt that powerful body wind with more tension.


"Wash me and fuck me, Alex," he softly pleaded. "Wash me and fuck me."


Alexander grunted. He turned, facing the minx. He gathered the slim body against his. Fuck, he loathed smelling the guard's scent on his bitch. Gathering the silken hair into his fingers, he lifted the minx into his arms and carried his lover to the shower room. All he longed to do was cleanse that seed and smell from Iason and then fuck his hellcat, reaffirming only he possessed the devil's minion because Lucifer now lived in Dormitory D.




They lay in bed. Alexander's hand was placed on the delicate thigh. Two months had gone by. Two months of torture, knowing the minx was feeding that guard with wild, intense, unquenchable sex, driven by animalistic savagery. The minx was baring for that guard a vixen who begged, pleaded and yearned for sex like one needed air to breathe.


He saw the signs, the changes. Iason was now given seconds during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The hellcat's outside time was longer, nor did he have to jog with the rest of them. Instead, the minx rode in the jeep, teasing the guard with his sassy, bold words. Laundry duty, kitchen clean-up, washing floors, any chore - the blond bitch didn't have to lift a finger now.


And he had enough! He wanted to murder that guard in cold blood when they escaped and make that bastard pay for taking what was rightfully his. If he had his way, he'd line up every goddamn guard and the warden, along with that stupid judge, even the MFP officers - torturing and killing all those who left him without a choice but to succumb so he could have his freedom back once again. Yeah, free so he could roam the wasteland with the minx and his right-hand. Never before did anyone dare strip him of his pride and make him bend. And to get the fuck outta here, for once in his life he buckled under.


Never did he feel this kind of hate. Never did he know this kind of rage. Every single day that passed, the rage and hate grew more intense. The emotions were like a campfire that got out of control, burning up a forest, unleashed and unstoppable, blazing with intense heat while bringing down life.


The goddamn minx, he couldn't stand the cold look in those green eyes. He knew the sassy blond loathed being the trump card to get out of here. He knew the bitch resented having to fuck that guard so they could escape. And he knew the bitch blamed him and Roger!


He gathered the lithe body against him, lacing his arm under the bend in those slim legs while drawing his other hand against the delicate back. He grunted, gazing into those dead green eyes.


"Tonight," he gruffly stated. "Tonight me and Roger make our move."


Iason nodded his head.




Iason took the guard's hand, giving a giggle. "C'mon," he pleaded. "I really wanna do it in there. Please? Pretty please?"


The rookie chuckled. Well, it wouldn't hurt to unlock the door and fuck the sexy minx at the back gate. Hell, he knew if he gave in, the blond beauty would let him do god-knows-what. Geez, never did he experience this kind of sex before. This sassy bitch was a male nymphomaniac. 


He rested his hand on the minx's backside and he unlocked the gate. While Iason strode inside, gazing at the other locked door, the guard closed and relocked the door they just entered through.


"Mmm, nothing like being locked inside with you," Iason teased as he strutted forward, lowering the zipper to his coverall.


The garment dropped around his ankles and he turned, bending over, spreading his legs as he arched his back, baring his ass. Long, delicate fingers spread the taut cheeks and he shook back his hair, smiling. "I wanna licking cause I've been so bad," he teased.


"Oh baby, I'll do more than lick you," the guard groaned.


The rookie dropped to his knees, kissing the soft cheek and he then traced his tongue to the hole, licking at the tight portal while unfastening his pants so he could jerk his cock.


Iason gave the fake moans and groans, yet from the corner of his eye, he could make out Alexander and Roger. Hah, all along he didn't need these two idiots help to get him the fuck outta here. All it took was his beautiful wiles and he conned this guard into the mouse trap. Those two losers used him, used him just like this guard was doing right now.


Pay! They'd all pay!


Iason wiggled his buttocks, sensually moving his hips as he gyrated to his haunches while still softly moaning.


The guard groaned, lowering his pants. "Over, baby," he moaned. "Lemme fuck you."


So Iason tossed back his hair, turning as he seated himself on the floor and spread his legs. He blew the guard a kiss. "Yeah, just slam that dick into me and fuck it, sexy."


The guard leaned over, readying to slide his dick into the tight hole. Iason raised his arms, drawing on all the strength he could muster as he used both hands and slammed his fist deep against the back of the rookie's head. The guard gave a grunt, trying to shake off the blow. So Iason raised his leg and kicked the guard as hard as he could, this time in the forehead. The guard moaned and fell over. Again he kicked the guard.


Yeah, die fucker! Die! You deserve to die, you horny, using bastard!


He grabbed the billy club and slammed the night stick over the guard's head. Then he scrambled for the keys, jerking the set from the belt loop.


Alexander and Roger hurried over, looking around.


Iason headed for the door, inserting the key into the lock and the bolt gave. Roger and Alexander stepped inside.


"Kill him," Iason whispered. "Then move his body."


Alexander and Roger both worked on the guard, ramming the club down the man's throat. The guard gave a gurgle and then his body slumped. Roger took the feet while Alexander took the rookie's hands. They picked up the guard and carried his lifeless body to the corner. Just as they set the body down, they both heard the movement of the other cell door, and then iron meeting iron gave a soft echo.


Both quickly looked up when the realized they were locked inside with the dead guard.


Iason stood on the other side, his brow cocked. "Fuckers," he hissed. "You don't think I know how you both just used me so you could get the fuck outta here? Well, looks like you're gonna rot in the hell you both deserve."


Roger's jaw dropped, shaking his head since he knew all along the bitch would double-cross them.


Alexander just stared. "Open the door," he softly growled.


"Not a chance," Iason spat out. "You thought nothing of using me. I don't owe you a goddamn thing. Ciao, big guy."


Alexander watched the vixen turn on his heel and the minx was swallowed up by the darkness. His eyes widened in disbelief and then the hate poured through his body. The rage made him shake. That bitch! That deceitful slut! For three years he covered the minx's ass and the sassy blond turned on him, just left him in here to rot!


Next Page - Chapter Five


Note: "Mad Max" is a trademark and copyright of Kennedy-Miller Entertainment/Warner Bros. George Miller, Byron Kennedy and Terry Hayes (Kennedy Miller Entertainment/ Warner Bros.) hold copyright to the Mad Max Trilogy.
This story is created for fan fiction purposes only. Some dialogue was taken from the script to keep this tale true to the original movie.


Copyright:  Funky Canuck Publishing 2004

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